~ some small business advice ~

even if you’re too scared to start, start. don’t let being afraid of not finding your niche in everything you want to create and conquer stop you from beginning your journey with a business. ✨
i’ve been selling/had my shop for almost a year and a half now, and just found out what i want and what will be my signature pieces. it’s taken me a year of electroforming to come across the idea and decide “this will be the piece that represents me as a brand”. —
i didn’t know it all straight from the start! and neither will you. that’s the fascinating thing about growth, however much you think you may know and that you imagine for your brand, you’ll always come across ideas that were impossible for you to have known before. —
if you think you’re “just not good enough yet” THATS JUST AMAZING !! right? starting from something that has the most room for growth? having your clientele/customer base as a little family because they’ve seen you come so far? being able to look back and say “I DID THAT. I GREW”
there will be successes at every stage of your journey. you can’t wait until you think you have it all figured out so that you could emerge and have the biggest success, because perfectionism like that will kill your dream. —
start wherever you can. start even if you don’t feel ready. one order a week is better than none and doubting that you can put yourself out there. make only $10 your first month just so that you can order more supplies and further work on your craft with passion. —
don’t let not getting an order for weeks stop you from doing what you love and deciding to share that with the world. it takes boldness and bravery to put yourself out there and believe in your craft, knowing that it has worth to be appreciated by others. —
and i’m here to tell you that you have that boldness and bravery in you. that you shouldn’t let those thoughts and expectations of perfection stop you. start wherever. start now.
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