Can't sleep. Right here goes.

Everything today - all the anger, the rage, the attacks on Cummings and Johnson will be met tomorrow with the revaluation that Cumming's son is #autistic.

This move is designed to completely strip the criticism of its edge. /1
This about-face, presented as a reluctant reveal of a private issue, will be used to make everything today look crass, mean spirited and horrible. Public opinion will waver. /2
It doesn't matter if its true, doesn't matter if it actually makes any difference to the original issue of breaking lockdown (in my opinion it doesn't). What matters is the narrative will change and emotions will start to flow the other way. /3
I really hope I'm just sleep deprived at shouting at clouds right now but I don't think I am. It explains Johnson's confidence in backing Cummings. The fact the line 'the kids the trump card' was reportedly around No. 10 is very suggestive too. /4
It would be probably the most horrid, cynical political move ever but, somehow, I don't think it's beyond them. That's it anyway. That's my sleep deprived angst ridden worry. /5
(I'm not usually one for conspiracy theories, as I hope you'd appreciate - but this is looking so plausible.)
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