Ppl are up in arms about the woman who quit her job bc her husband “couldn’t” take care of their 3 year old son and while yeah that majorly pissed me off, the focus was more on the inequity of pay and outdated expectations of women.
I’m lucky in that I’m in a union and it doesn’t matter who you are, you get paid the same as everyone with same benefits. No daycare help though as far as I know but I know a lot of successful mamas that are electricians. But that’s not a career for everyone.
People shouldn’t HAVE to rely on unions for that; there should be a way to somehow make it lore equitable; but there’s still too many women who feel guilty for wanting a career and being a mom too.
You can be both. You don’t have to feel guilty. There’s so much pressure on moms, for some damn reason, to feel guilty. Why? Men don’t need to feel guilty. IMO a good dad is just as important a role model as a good mama.
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