How to move on from Negative People Ex’s, Family, and Friends.

A Thread 🦋
If you have to express anger do that first cry, write, scream, and let it out.

This is the first step to moving letting out the negative emotions they put into you 🌚
Proceed to delete any photos and videos on your phone , cloud , drive.

Why hang to empty memories you’ll make new ones! BELIEVE ME 😌
You’ve deleted the memories? Great write a letter to them telling them what hurt you and why?

Why ? Because you NEVER DID. You took all the pain and bottled it up.

If you’re anything like me you’ll give it to them but if you don’t want to rip it up after. ✊🏾
Once you’ve done these three steps do some self care, get a haircut, do your make up, do a skin care routine , meditate, exercise. 🦋
Last step do things you’ve always wanted to do that they held you back from doing.

You’ll feel soooo free 🦋

The type of freedom you’ve never experienced you can almost feel yourself, your spirit floating on clouds.
After self care find a hobby.

Not just ANY hobby find one that fills the void you let them make.

While you’re participating in that hobby you’ll smile, you’ll think how peaceful you are and you’ll feel a TON OF WEIGHT COME OFF OF YOU. ❤️
Months after you repeat these steps you’ll realize you’ve made new connections ❤️

New boyfriend/ New Girlfriend

New friends

Freedom from suffocating family

Everything you feel you lost has been replaced with better. 🦋 YOU’RE BLESSED NOW. Embrace it
I hope this helps you it helped me over the last four years.

Make room for peace & happiness.

You gotta open yourself to the good shit in life don’t get comfortable in the bad situations.

It’s always better out there for you.

You don’t fit for a reason remove yourself. 🙏🏾
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