"¿Por qué Saint no estará en LBC2?"
"Why won't Saint be on LBC2?"

🔸Explicaré los ataques que Saint recibió desde que termino LBC y por qué el entorno en LBC era tóxico

🔸I'll explain the attacks Saint received since LBC finished and why LBC environment was toxic
🔸Para ponerlos en contexto 6 de los actores de LBC(Perth,Title,Earth,Plan,Gun,Mark) pertenecen a Attractor (una compañía) Saint y mean no.

🔸To put you in context 6 of the LBC actors(Perth,Title,Earth,Plan,Gun,Mark) belong to Attractor (company) Saint and Mean not.
🔸te explicaré como ATTRACTOR hizo de todo para hacer quedar mal a Saint . Ahora derramare el Té 🍵

🔸I'll explain to you how ATTRACTOR did everything to make Saint look bad.
Now I'll spill the tea 🍵

Quédate leyendo/keep reading💀
🔸La revista Kazz Magazine organizó un evento y en la foto promocional no aparecía ni Mean ni Saint. que raro verdad? 💀

🔸Kazz Magazine organized an event and neither Mean nor Saint appeared in the promotional photo. weird right?💀
🔸Alguien contactó a un trabajador de la revista Kazz que dijo💀:

🔸Someone contacted a kazz magazine worker who said💀:
🔸Basicamente PUPAE mánager de los actores de ATRACTOR iba a cobrar menos por actor si no le avisaban a Saint de este evento

🔸Basically PUPAE actors managger of ATRACTOR.. she was going to charge less per actor if they didn't notify Saint of this event.
🔸Saint no iba a los eventos pero seguian promocionando como LBC

🔸Saint didnt go to the events but they continued promoting as LBC cast
🔸Por qué crees que Saint hacía videoreacciones era la única forma de promocionarse ya que era excluido de todo

🔸Why do you think Saint made video reactions was the only way to promote himself since he was excluded from everything
🔸El mánager de Saint(su anterior mánager Keng) Cansado de que excluyan y mientan sobre Saint.. Expuso Attractor en twitter:

🔸The manager of Saint(before he had another manager called Keng) Tired of excluding and lying about Saint .. He exposed Attractor on twitter:
🔸Luego de tiempo se realizó un evento con Saint por una fan china (inversionista) hasta New asistió en señal de apoyo a Saint but..

🔸After some time an event was held with Saint by a Chinese fan (investor) until New attended in support of Saint but..
🔸"Gin" un de los mánagers de atractor publico un texto en su twitter decía que Saint era un problemático

🔸"Gin" one of the attractor managers posted a text on his twitter saying that Saint is a problematic.
🔸Otra mentira más la organizadora del evento luego dejo de seguir a todos los actores de Attractor y dejo solo el follow a Saint

🔸Another lie, the Chinese organizer of the event, then stopped following all the actors of attractor and left only the follow to Saint
🔸¿Por qué dejarías de seguirlos si supuestamente Saint es el problemático? saca tus conclusiones💀

🔸Why would you stop following them if Saint is supposedly the problem? draw your conclusions 💀
🔸Uno de los peores ataques de Attractor hacía Saint fue ventilar un rumor cuando era mas joven consiguió un sugarD para ayuda económica

🔸One of the worst attacks that Attractor made to Saint was airing a rumor when he was younger he had to get a sugarD for financial help
🔸Al final Saint tuvo que salir a desmentir , Mucha gente de la industria salió a negar esos rumores e incluso Mae Nuk

🔸In the end Saint had to come out to deny, Many people in the industry had to deny those rumors and even Mae Nuk
🔸Atractor no conforme y queriendo hundir más a Saint. Big (Manager en atractor) sube esta historia a Ig

🔸Non-compliant attractor and wanting to sink Saint further. Big (Manager on attractor) upload this story to Ig
🔸Perth borro las fotos con saint en su ig(obligado por Atractor) y eso fue lo que altero a las trigon aumentando los ataques a Saint

🔸so Perth deleted the photos with saint on his ig(forced by Attractor) and that was what altered the trigons increasing the attacks on Saint
🔸No fue culpa de perth de todas formas el trabaja bajo ATTRACTOR estaba obligado a hacer todo lo que digan.

🔸It wasn't perth's fault anyway he works under ATRACTOR he was forced to do whatever they say
🔸Atractor habia obligado a sus actores a no hablar de Saint , cuando le preguntaban a Perth sobre los rumores de Saint

🔸Attractor had forced his actors not to talk about Saint, when they asked Perth about the rumors of Saint
🔸¿por qué saint no estaba en los eventos? el decia que no estaba al tanto de eso y saint no asistía porque estaba ocupado.

🔸Why was saint not at the events? He said he was not aware of that and Saint did not attend because he was busy.
🔸Big the person who uploaded the story to IG (Manager of attractor) uploads an apology confirming that everything was false

🔸Big la persona que subió la story a IG (Manager en atractor) sube una disculpa confirmando que todo era falso
🔸El bullying hacia Saint se vio en uno de los eventos finales donde Saint no fue invitado y aparte se hizo un video memoria de LBC Saint no salió

🔸The bullying to saint was seen in one of final events where Saint wasnt invited and apart a video memory of LBC without saint
🔸El FC de perth fue quien hizo este video memoria y ¿por que no incluyeron a saint?💀

🔸Perth FC was the one who made this video memory and why did they not include saint?💀
🔸FC de Perth respondió que ellos no pudieron poner a saint en el video memoria porque no encontraron fotos de SAINT 🤡

🔸Perth's FC replied that they could not put saint in the video because they didnt find photos of SAINT 🤡
🔸Otra mentira mas , Chen desmintió esto publicando una captura donde se veia que había Enviado las fotos a este FC

🔸Another lie more Chen denied this by publishing a capture where it was seen that he had sent the photos to this FC
🔸Mean , si era amigo de Saint siempre lo apoyo y hablaba bien de el, Obvimamente no lo hacían publico para no afectar sus ships

🔸Mean, he was a friend of Saint, he always supported him and spoke well of him. Obviously they didnt publish this so as not to affect their ships
🔸Saint seguía siendo alguien fuerte para sus fans pero nadie sabe cuan roto podría estar por dentro.

🔸Saint was still someone strong to his fans but nobody knows how broken he could be inside.

pd. im sad ok
🔸Todos los rumores maliciosos contra saint causaron que el se quedara sin trabajos ¿como creen que el se sintió?

🔸All malicious rumors against saint caused him to lose many jobs.. how do you think he felt?
🔸Y tu te preguntarás ¿Por qué saint siguio trabajando con perth apesar de todo esto? aquí esta tu respuesta.

🔸And you'll wonder why saint kept working with perth despite all this? here is your answer.
🔸El siempre dijo que quiere ver felices a sus fans y ¿Qué hacía felices a sus fans? PerthSaint Fanservise

🔸he always said that he wants to see his fans happy and What made his fans happy? PerthSaint Fanservice
🔸Desde que se anunció WHYRU los ataques se incrementaron por parte de Pinson Shippers y sus FC oficiales te contaré a detalle estos ataques

🔸Since WHYRU was announced the attacks increased by PS Shippers and their official FC, I'll tell you in detail about these attacks
🔸Primero.. PS shippers crearon un HT de odio hacia Saint porque sentian ofendidas de la nueva serie WhyRU

🔸First.. PS shippers created an HT for throw hate to Saint because they were offended by the new series WhyRU
🔸¿Por qué se sintieron ofendidas? Chen hizo un comunicado a los fans de Saint para que lo apoyen en todos sus proyectos🤡

🔸Why were they offended? Chen made a statement to Saint's fans to support him in all his projects🤡
🔸Chen mánager de saint tuvo que pedirle disculpas a las Perthsaint Shippers por ofenderlas

🔸Chen manager of saint had to apologize to the Perthsaint Shippers for offending them
🔸¿Donde esta lo ofensivo? Segun ellas estaban lastimadas porque no podian ver A SAINT con otra persona que no sea PERTH

🔸Where is the offensive? According to them they were hurt because they couldnt see SAINT with someone other than PERTH
🔸El mas atacado en ese entonces fue Zee ya se estaba rumoreado que era la pareja de Saint en la serie

🔸The most attacked at the time was Zee, it was already rumored that he was Saint's partner in the series
🔸PS shippers le hacían comentarios de odio pero zee respondía amablemente y defendía a Saint

🔸PS shippers made hateful comments to him but zee kindly responded and defended Saint
🔸El 26 de Febrero el dio RT a un anuncio del FC de Saint era un proyecto para su cumpleaños.. las pinson no se quedaron quietas

🔸On February 26 he gave RT to an announcement by FC de Saint it was a project for his birthday .. the pinsons did not stand still
🔸Empezaron a spamear links de votación para los Kazz Awards los links eran de Perthsaint , perth pero ninguno para apoyar a Saint

🔸They started to spam voting links for the Kazz Awards the links were from Perthsaint, perth but none to support Saint
🔸Regresando a ataques de Saint , PUPAE sabiendo que Saint era atacado seguía fomentando el ship Pinson

🔸Returning to Saint's attacks, PUPAE knowing that Saint was attacked continued to promote the Pinson ship
💀Es hora de hablar sobre nuestros amados FC Pinson oficiales

💀Time to talk about our beloved Fc Pinson official
🔸El dia del primer evento promocional de WHY RU se les ocurrió hacer un HT para apoyar al Pinson justo ese día , increíble

🔸The day of the first WHY RU promotional event it occurred to them to do an HT to support Perthsaint just that day, incredible
🔸Pero eso no es todo otra vez PUPAE apoyando su Ht dándole like 🤩

🔸But that is not all again PUPAE supporting their Ht giving them like 🤩
🔸también llevaron sus banderas del pinson a este evento💀

🔸they also brought their pinson flags to this event💀
Sin comentarios 🤡
no comment🤡
🔸Cuando PS fueron a un programa y los fans tenian que saludarlos esto fue muy desagradable

🔸When PS went to a show and the fans had to greet them it was very unpleasant

olvide ponerlo antes
forget to put it before
🔸En el evento de Adidas donde Asistió Saint , al finalizar saint hizo una reunión con sus fans donde fue la presidenta del FC PS+

🔸At the Adidas event where Saint attended, at the end saint made a meeting with his fans where the president of the official PS club attended+
🔸esta chica ventilo el rumor que saint no quiso firmar las banderas del PS lo cual ocasionó que fuera atacado,Chen tuvo que salir a desmentir

🔸This girl aired the rumor that Saint didnt wanna sign the PS flags, which caused him to be attacked, Chen had to go out and deny
🔸Otro rumor falso por parte de la presidenta de PerthSaint official ya que Saint firmo ese día 3 banderas

🔸Another false rumor on the part of the president of PerthSaint official that day Saint signed 3 flags
@.PS_OfficialTH 🤗

🔸Quien jura apoyar por igual a Perth y Saint

🔸Who swears to support Saint and Perth equally
🔸Pupae en un IGlive dijo que domundiTV había pagado a los organizadores de un evento de moda para que los invitarán y tambien menciono a Zee+

🔸Pupae on an IGlive said that domundiTV had paid organizers of a fashion event to invite them and also mentioned Zee +
🔸Lo que queria pupae es que la gente pensará que atractor era mas popular que Domundi y ps Shippers empezaron a atacar a domundi

🔸pupae wanted people to think that attractor was more popular than Domundi and ps shippers started attacking domundi
🔸Domundi tuvo que aclarar esos rumores falsos , imaginense nisiquiera dejaban tranquilos a los amigos de Saint

🔸Domundi had to clarify those false rumors, imagine they didnt even leave Saint's friends alone
🔸Mas pinson shippers siendo problemáticas con el mánager de Saint y con la madre de Saint

🔸more PS shippers being problematic with Saint's manager and Saint's mother
🔸una Pinson Shipper quería que los fans maliterpreten este video para generar mas hate

🔸a Pinson Shipper wanted fans to misinterpret this video to generate more hate
🔸Esto es lo que dijo la PS shipper para malinterpretar al final fue desmentido por el dueño del video

🔸This is what the PS shipper said to misinterpret in the end was denied by the owner of the video
Mañana seguimos!
We'll continue tomorrow keep Reading!!

⭐thanks to the people who are translating this into other languages, the people who are supporting the thread and the purpose is to inform new Saint fans , Always give love to saint💓
🔸Cuando Saint gano en los KAZZ AWARDS y agradeció a sus fans MingErs

🔸When Saint won at the KAZZ AWARDS and thanked his MingErs fans
🔸Perthsaint shippers molestas porque saint agradecio a SUS FANS (MingErs) y no a las PS shippers

🔸Perthsaint shippers upset because saint thanks HIS FANS (MingErs) and not PS shippers
🔸Acusaron a su mánager Chen que por que no hubo interacción pinson y no hubo foto PS ese día.

🔸They accused his manager Chen that there was no pinson interaction and there was no PS photo that day.
🔸Saint llamando a Perth y parece que Perth no lo ve 🤔

🔸Saint calling Perth and it seems that perth doesn't see saint 🤔
🔸¿Porqué en realidad estaban molestas? Estas IG storys donde Saint estaba con Zee y zee lo apoyaba

🔸Why were they actually upset?
These IG stories where Saint was with Zee and zee supported him
🔸Porque las PS shippers querían Saint les agradezca? si lo unico que hicieron fue spammear links de PS y Perth 🤔

🔸why PS shippers wanted Saint thank you? if the only thing they did was spam links from PS and Perth 🤔
🔸o Quizás por crear falsos fanclubs con el nombre de saint para perdir dinero para las votaciones 🤔

🔸Maybe for creating fake fanclubs with the name of saint to ask for money for voting 🤔
🔸o también agradecerles por reportar el HT de WHY RU cuando fue tendencia 🤔?

🔸or also thank you for reporting WHY RU's HT when it was trending 🤔?
🔸Saint Posteo en Twitter agradeciendo a los MingErs😊

🔸Saint tweeted thanking the minger😊
🔸Ahora hablemos del evento "Tao Kae Noi" En china donde fueron Saint y Bass Sudaret

🔸Now let's talk about the event "Tao Kae Noi" In China where Saint and Bass Sudaret went
🔸En este evento a los PS shippers no les importó que Bass fuera parte del evento ya que lo único que hicieron fue gritar SONPIN

🔸In this event the PS shippers didnt care that Bass was part of the event all they did was shout SONPIN
🔸Básicamente ignoraron a Bass este evento que yo recuerde no tenia nada que ver con Perthsaint

🔸Basically they ignored Bass in this event that I remember had nothing to do with Perthsaint
🔸Ese dia , una PS Shipper quería obligar a Saint a que agarre su bandera en una escalera eléctrica saben lo peligroso que puede llegar a ser eso?

🔸Also that day, PS Shipper wanted to force Saint to grab his flag on an escalator. Do you know how dangerous that can be?
🔸ese dia usaron este video para atacar a Chen supuestamente empuja y trata mal a la PS fan

🔸 that day they used this video to attack Chen supposedly pushing and treating the PS fan badly
SLOW MOTION VIDEO / camara lenta

🔸¿Donde la esta empujando y tratando mal porque por más que vea el video no veo nada?

🔸Where is he pushing and treating her badly because no matter how much I watch the video I don't see anything?
🔸¿Los PS shipers comenzaron a obligar a Chen a disculparse por lo que paso..... 🤡

🔸PS shippers started to force to Chen to apologize for this...... 🤡
🔸¿Por qué crees que Chen Protege a Saint? porque no quiere que esto le pase otra vez a saint

🔸Why do you think Chen Protects Saint? Because he doesn't want this to happen to saint again
🔸Las mismas personas que van y piden respeto a Chen son las que insultan a Zee🤔 ( En china decirle gallina a alguien es despectivo)

🔸The same people who go and ask Chen for respect are the ones who insult Zee🤔 (In China, saying chicken to someone is derogatory)
🔸Ya al terminar el viaje a China , Saint sube esta IG story con la bandera de SaintSupFC Official ( Su fc en solitario de china )

🔸At the end of the trip to China, Saint uploads this IG story with the flag of SaintSupFC Official (His solo Chinese fc)
🔸El FC Perthsaint de china acuso al fc de Saint de copiar su bandera🤡

🔸The FC Perthsaint of China accused the SaintFC of copying that flag
🔸Todos sabemos que SAINT eligió rojo como su color y Sobre lo del dragón creo que ya todos sabemos que el se identifica con el dragon 🤡

🔸We all know that SAINT chose red as his color and About the dragon I think we all know that he identifies with the dragon 🤡
🔸Saint ya estaba enterado de todos lo rumores , el subio esta foto con esta descripción

🔸Saint was already aware of all the rumors, he uploaded this photo with this description
🔸Quizás muchos no lo sepan pero AOF apoyo a Saint defendiendolo muchas veces , AOF el mánager de Domundi

🔸Many of you may not know it but AOF supported Saint defending him many times, aof the manager of Domundi
🔸Domundi si es un buen equipo de trabajo y tienen mi respeto... no como otros que buscaban benefició propio saboteando a Saint 😊

🔸Domundi is a good team and they have my respect ... not like others who were looking for their own benefit by sabotaging Saint 😊
🔸Ahora hablaremos del Evento Adidas con Domundi y Saint...

🔸Now we'll talk about the Adidas Event with Saint and domundi...
🔸Ps shippers queriendo sabotear el evento de Domundi con Saint

🔸PS shippers wanting to sabotage the event of Domundi and Saint
🔸la unica razon por la que siguen usando el nombre de saint es para vender su merch , banderas camisetas etc😂 porque nunca hay apoyo para Saint

🔸the only reason they keep using saint's name is to sell their merch, flags, t-shirts etc😂 bc they never support saint
🔸Ahora vamos a hablar del evento BK acne en China Shanghai donde Saint asistió , los PS shippers también quisieron sabotear el evento

🔸Now let's talk about the BK acne event in China Shanghai where Saint attended, the PS shippers also wanted to sabotage the event
🔸Empezemos , como los PS shippers quisieron recibir a Saint en el aeropuerto pues de esta forma 💀

🔸 Let's start, as the PS shippers wanted to receive Saint at the airport, this way 💀
🔸Todas las banderas en fila como un batallón para la guerra acaso no les da vergüenza el evento era de SAINT EN SOLITARIO

🔸All the flags lined up like a battalion for the war perhaps they are not ashamed but the event was SAINT IN SOLITARY
🔸Lo raro es que empezaron a Taggear a PUPAE y ella apoyando mmm acaso les dio la idea? 😉 idk sacas tus conclusiones 💀

🔸The weird thing is that they started Tagging PUPAE and she supporting mmm did she give them the idea? 😉 idk you draw your conclusions 💀
🔸Chen como siempre había dado la información sobre el vuelo , la puerta donde saldrian Etc

🔸Chen as he had always given the information about the flight, the door where they would leave Etc
🔸GRACIAS A DIOS no pudieron salir por esa puerta LAS AUTORIDADES los mandaron que salgan por otro lugar.

🔸THANKS GOD they couldn't get out that door THE AUTHORITIES sent them out somewhere else.
🔸Por esto los PS shippers atacaron a Chen diciendo que fue su culpa , Otra mentira más lo peor se viene a continuación💀

🔸for this the PS shippers attacked Chen saying that it was his fault, Another lie plus the worst is coming next💀
🔸Empezo el evento los FC de Saint y El FC de PS ambos llevaron banderas ¿cual era el problema con las banderas? Habían mas evento en el lugar+

🔸The event started and SaintFC and PS FC both carried flags, but what was the problem with the flags? There was more events here
🔸Entonces los organizadores del evento pidieron que no flameen las banderas para no molestar los demás eventos+

🔸Then the organizers of the event asked that the flags not fly so as not to disturb the other events +
🔸A las PS shippers no les importo ya que siguieron flameando las banderas , el evento fue pospuesto por un momento por el desorden

🔸 PS shippers dont cared the flags continued to fly, the event was postponed for a moment due to the mess
🔸No les importaba si se cancelaba el evento , solo les importaba hacerse notar ¿eso es apoyo?

🔸They didn't care if the event was canceled, they just cared about getting noticed, is that support?
🔸Cuando Saint sube al escenario todo empeoró era un evento en solitario y se les ocurre estar gritando SONPIN PINSON

🔸When Saint goes to the stage everything got worse it was a SOLO EVENT and they occurs to them to be yelling SONPIN PINSON
🔸Nisiquiera tenían vergüenza?

🔸Are they not even a little ashamed?
🔸Saint teniendo que aclarar que su nombre no es pinson ni sonpin es SAINT

🔸Saint having to clarify that his name isnt pinson or sonpin is SAINT
🔸les parece este comportamiento sano?

🔸Does this behavior seem sane to you?
🔸hicieron lo mismo para la foto final del evento

🔸 they did the same for the final photo of the event
🔸Pero como si no fuera suficiente, se despidieron de Saint de esta manera.

🔸But as if it wasn't enough, they said goodbye to Saint this way
🔸Saint al regresar a Tailandia, ese mismo día tuvo que firmar banderas PS para que ellos después no anden inventando rumores 😔

🔸Saint upon returning to Thailand tired that same day he had to sign PS flags so that they wouldnt make up rumors later 😔
🔸Todos sabemos que ese día Zee y Mae nuk recogieron a Saint del aeropuerto , PS shippers atacaron otra vez

🔸We all know that that day Zee and Mae nuk picked up Saint from the airport, PS shippers attacked again
Tomorrow i continue let's say 40% to finish 💓

Mañana continuaré digamos que faltan 40% para acabar 💓

📍please quote and don't comment the thread
📍porfavor citen y no comenten el thread
🔸Primero quiero mandarle un saludo a todos los PS shippers y
, Fans de Perth y la demanda policial que me quieren poner ❤😍

🔸First I want to send a greeting to all the PS shippers , Fans of Perth for the police demand they want to put on me ❤😍
🔸PS shippers insinuando que la madre de saint estaba interesada en zee porque fueron juntos a recoger a Saint 💀

🔸PS shippers hinting that saint's mother was interested in zee because they go together to pick up saint 💀
🔸el FC Domundi de Filipinas apoyando a saint (todos ya sabían que lo atacaban hasta por respirar)

🔸FC Domundi Philippines supporting saint (everyone already knew that they attacked him even for breath)
🔸Domundi family muchas gracias por apoyar a Saint en los momentos dificiles las acciones valen mas que las palabras ❤

🔸Domundi family thank you very much for supporting Saint in difficult times actions are worth more than words ❤
🔸PS shippers atacando porque domundi family apoyaba a saint...
que tienen en la cabeza?

🔸PS shippers attacking because domundi family supported saint..
what's on their minds?
🔸4to taller de WhyRu otra vez PS shippers llevando su bandera

🔸4th WhyRu workshop again PS shippers carrying their flag
🔸Recuerdan cuando los 12 FC perthsaint se unieron a exigir que les dieran un nombre a su fandom

🔸Remember when the 12 FC perthsaint joined forces to demand that they give their fandom a name
🔸¿Por qué no lo hicieron antes? cuando LBC estaba al aire porque esperarse tanto tiempo para hacer , ilógico

🔸Why didn't they do it before? when LBC was on air why waiting so long to do this, illogical
🔸Cuando llegó el día limite nadie les respondio de manera publica , entonces les tocaba cerrar sus 12 FC verdad? sigo esperando

🔸When the deadline came, nobody answered them publicly, so it was their turn to close their 12 FCs, right? I'm still waiting
🔸al final no cerraron nada y ellos mismo elijeron su nombre 💀 "TRIGON"

🔸in the end they didnt close anything and they themselves chose their name 💀 "TRIGON"
🔸¿Que es trigon? esto
(Creo que ya lo sabemos)

🔸What is trigon? this
🔸"Destruirán a cualquiera que separe a Saint de perth"💀

🔸"They'll destroy anyone who separates Saint from perth"💀
🔸otra vez gracias pupae por darles RT❤

🔸again thanks pupae for giving to them RT❤
🔸Seguian hostigando a Chen por no hacerles caso con su nombre de fandom , su mánager no te debe explicaciones de nada!

🔸They kept harassing Chen for ignoring them with his fandom name, his manager doesn't owe you anything!
🔸Imagina cuán serios eran los problemas que siempre tuvo Saint ... que hasta los medios de comunicación sabían

🔸Imagine how serious were the problems that saint always had.. the media knew about them

Entrevista a Saint / Interview to Saint
🔸PS tan tóxicas que hasta pelean con otros fandoms como PERAYA y BABIIS

🔸PS so toxic that they even fight with other fandoms like PERAYA and BABIIS
🔸Pondré esto aquí
🔸I'll just put this here
🔸Ahora hablemos de regalos de cumpleaños por PS Official TH 🤪

🔸Now let's talk about birthday gifts by PS Official TH 🤪
🔸A esto llaman igualdad

🔸They call this equality
🔸Como olvidar como mandaban los regalos , mas parece un regalo para una pinson shipper 💀

🔸How to forget how the gifts were sent but it seems like a gift for pinson shipper 💀
🔸que triste seria que usen tu donación para hacer mercancía y te la vendan a precios elevados , solo digo 🤪

🔸How sad it would be for them to use your donation to make merchandise and sell it to you at high prices, I'm just saying 🤪
🔸Ahora hablemos del Viaje a Japón de Domundi y Kiss BoysTH

🔸Now let's talk about Domundi and Kiss BoysTH's Trip to Japan
🔸Ya sabemos que fueron insultados y el rumor era sobre MisterHoots la marca de lentes de sol

🔸We already know that they was insulted and the rumor was about MisterHoots the brand of sunglasses
🔸Creo que no sabian que domundi trabajaba con MisterHoots antes que se estrenará LBC🤨

🔸I think they didnt know that domundi worked with MisterHoots before LBC will be released🤨
🔸Entonces decir que la campaña era Perthsaint y que Chen había transferido el contratato a domundi , es una vil mentira

🔸So to say that the campaign was Perthsaint and that Chen had transferred the contract to Domundi, is a vile lie
🔸Lo que hicieron fue atacar a los patrocinadores

🔸The thing they did was attack the sponsors
🔸Tambien Saint y zee fueron atacados

🔸Also Saint and Zee were attacked
🔸También ellos se quejaron con la mamá de Saint sobre Zee , ella respondió

🔸They also complained to Saint's mom about Zee, she replied
🔸la misma cuenta atacando a zee🤔 pero zee defendió a Saint

🔸the same account attacking zee🤔 but Zee defended saint
🔸¿Porqué el dia que de grabación Teaser de WHY RU quisieron recordar LBC?

🔸Why on the day of WHY RU's Teaser recording did they want to remember LBC?
🔸Let's talk about Saint Sup Debut Event
🔸El dijo que invitó al cast de LBC y a TEMPT

🔸he said he invited the cast of LBC and TEMPT
🔸Asistieron Mean , Earth y Mark (aclaro que ellos ya no trabajan bajo atractor) y Big el único mánager de atractor que se disculpó con saint

🔸Mean, Earth and Mark attended (they no longer work under attractor) and Big the only attractor manager who apologized to saint
🔸Esto realmente me molesto una PS shipper quería animar para que los fans no compren el CD de Saint diciendo que fue financiado por Domundi

🔸This really bothered me PS shipper wanted to encourage fans not to buy Saint's CD saying it was financed by Domundi
Solo quiero decirlo
I just want to say it
📍Si alguien tiene mas info o quiere compartir algo , mis dm's estan abiertos

📍if someone has more info or wants to share something my dm's are open
🔸Hola vengo a aclarar este rumor del Sugar Daddy de Saint , ya que PSF siguen mencionandome en sus tweets , en fin la hipotenusa

🔸Hello I come to clarify the rumor of the Sugar Daddy of Saint , since PSF keep mentioning me in their tweets
🔸Tienen lazos familiares
🔸Family Ties
🔸Estaba en el colegio en ese tiempo
🔸He was in school at that time
🔸Le gustan las chicas
🔸He likes girls
🔸El tenía que trabajar para conseguir dinero
🔸He had to work to get money
🔸no es rico solo vende autos de segunda mano

🔸he isn't rich he only sells second-hand cars
🔸eso es todo , así que porfavor PSF dejen de mentir

🔸that's it, so please PSF stop lying
💎casi rompo el hilo por subir mal las cosas omg

💎I almost broke the thread by uploading things wrong omg
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