I'm reading a book where dark skinned girls are starved, enslaved and forced to be surrogates for a race of obese white rulers who float in chairs (yes, like in Wall-E) and I'm so confused about whether this is SUPPOSED to be offensive? And to who? Just everyone?
the protagonist of this book is stated to be white - with blond hair and olive skin - she is one of the palest surrogates. There's also a layer of 'high hosts' who are from the dark skinned race but serve the 'morbs' (the fat white ppl) and bleach their skin to look like them.
So this isn't even a case of the author TRYING to make a statement about how white ppl treat POC cos otherwise why would she make so absolutely sure we know the rebel girl is white?
I do not feel like I have the language or knowledge to properly pick at this books treatment of race. But then I don't think the author of this book does either.
and if you're thinking 'did she really call a race of morbidly obese people 'Morbs'?' yes. She did. It's short for Morbihan And the thin people who work for them are the Skels....cos they're Skeletal. And there's mutilated ppl.....called Mutils.
fucks sake. It has just been dropped into the plot that some people can control birds - and now everyone necessary for the plot to move forward has been coincidentally put into the same prison cell?
Obviously if you intend to read this book you shouldn't be reading this thread - I don't want anyone yelling 'SPOILERS!' at me.

But I've just gotten to a plot point so ridiculous I laughed out loud. It turns out the meat....it's people. It's the old Soylent Green twist.
I really hope this book is about to explain how and why they are eating the 'skels' who, just to recap, are notably thin and underfed. Mmmm tough and worn out human corpse! Delicious.
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