A huge mistake in the rise of sky walker that actually makes no sense: thread
In TROS it shows a clip of young Luke and leia fighting. And it says at the end of leias jedi path she senses the death of her son
But in the last Jedi. Luke is clearly 20-40 years older when he confronted Ben and Ben ultimately changed to the dark side
Ben was probably an infant or not even born when she did her apparent Jedi training. And if she sends the death of her son wouldn’t she have not sent him away to train with Luke? It doesn’t make sense in the timeline
Luke was with Ben when his son ultimately “died” as well. It doesn’t make any sense
Ava said she like sensed that if she became a Jedi her son would die so
THat makes sense but I still hate tros
Like is the Jedi just like a scale and once you reach a certain amount of power you become one?? Bc I thought it was a religion and used to be a council like the military but. ”peaceful”
Because that’s what tros makes it feel like. Like it’s a scale and once she surpasses a skill she’s a Jedi. Luke did such little training and became a Jedi from being challenged with fear
I guess you do it once you do your Jedi trial
But she sensed that if she did it her son would die
But her sacrificing herself made her a full Jedi and her son still died and she became a force ghost
I just don’t like the “fulfill your destiny” because I think it’s never ending
But it makes sense it’s just not hopeful
Luke pulling up the xwing when the wing was his door just means jj didn’t watch the tlj commentary
That was to me so cheesy. It didn’t make sense that Rey would give up like that ??? It was just like a repeat
It was so gross nostalgic tricks
She saved Ben and just left
I loved seeing Han but that didn’t really make sense to me did like leia project him??
Some of the things make sense but I just don’t like it because they seem like they need so much explaining and the other parts are just so stupid
I just feel gross that leia apparently sensed she was a palpatine and didn’t tell her ?? It’s so stupid and gross why was it made up in the last movie I hate it
Why can the force just come from nowhere I hate it
Anyway this thread is cancelled tros is just poorly made
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