I'm reading an f/f historical set in the 1920s and I so much want to give the author support to make it wonderful. It's reaching for so many good things. 💔
One thing this book is making me think about is the double-layered conversations your queer MCs have to have that are so important not to shortchange: the are you queer? conversation and the do you desire me? conversation. Both key. Not to be conflated. Delicious to prolong.
How do you characters understand their queer desires is one question: have they aware of it before now? if so how do they navigate it in their bodies, in their minds, in a heteronormative world? in previous intimacies, if any?
How do your characters become aware of each other is another: what shape does that longing take in their body, mind, imaginings, the shape of their days, the texture of their interactions? Those two conversations (spoken and otherwise) weave together to pull them closer.
If you just leave it at She knew she desired women and She lusted after that beautiful girl you've ... list huge swaths of opportunity is all I'm saying.

Tell me how it feels to be that person, inhaling, and thinking: my god, she's the answer to the question I've been asking.
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