Since there is general consensus that India plans to attack Pak, lets war game the possibilities.
There is a tendency in Pak to believe that even if India attacks, it will only be a Balakot type Air raid to achieve some moral & political high ground for a desperate Modi govt.
Many analysts in Pakistan believe that India also cannot risk a high intensity war with Pak & would only remain restricted at some air action where PAF can easily retaliate. So, there is no need to mobilize ground forces or national resources for a protracted war.
Fact is that Hindutwa Zionists are seriously unpredictable rabid swines & their actions so far have proven that they are savage enough to take daring risks without the consequences of their action.
Kashmir annexation, total Indian lock down, national registration & riots!
4. It is clear to both Pak & China that India is heading towards AJK & GB. That is why Chinese are trying to create a diversion for India on #LadakhBorder .
Today, Pak army chief also visited Kashmir & sent a strong message to India.
But fact remains that Modi is unpredictable
So, despite the Chinese pressure in Laddakh & Tibet, how could Indians attack Pak?

In our assessment, Indians have learnt their lessons in February 27th air battle last year. They had recklessly crossed into Pak & fell into the trap set by PAF.
This time, they are cautious
Despite the internal chaos in India & their economic collapse & Chinese distractions, Modi feels that a military victory against Pak will give him the required political rating in the country to lift off once again. For him, a military victory against Pak is the ultimate prize
So, knowing the Hindutwa mind & the desperation of Modi, I would think that there are 90% chances of a major war between Pak & India within next few weeks or months...

Both Pak & Chinese leadership knows that Modi is on the verge of it. IK has been saying it lately too.

Knowing the Indian mind, this time, they would start their attack through SS & cruise missiles onto Pakistan's critical bases. A massive barrage of incoming missiles would not just confuse Pak air defenses but would also bring forward Air bases under pressure or damage them.

This first wave of missiles would be followed by massive waves of fighter jets, jammer aircraft & bombers entering Pakistan from multiple axis points. Again, they would try to incapacitate PAF as much as they can.
In such a scenario, PAF would be tested to its extreme...
There will be a chaos in Pakistan if India achieves strategic surprise.
Indians would be counting on that to move their mountain divisions into GB & AJK, which are already deployed there for almost a year now. Any change in the status of LoC would be an Indian victory.

If India is able to capture some parts of Pakistani controlled AJK or GB, that would put incredible pressure on IK Govt & GHQ to respond by deploying ground forces too.
At this stage, the assumption that Indian incursions will remain limited to air combat would collapse..
If the war reaches this stage, then it is wide open from here on-wards. It will escalate in multiples dimensions & no country would control its dynamics.

Indians would deploy not just their ground forces but also Navy for a sea blockage trying to choke fuel supplies.

Indians assets within Pakistan -- ANP, TTP, PTM, BLA, MQM -- will definitely be activated militarily as well & would be triggering urban war. These are all armed & already deployed assets.

At this stage, things will become really messy for both countries, more so for Pak.
Modi is under immense pressure from Israel as well to degrade Pakistan's military & economic power. This Israel connection is increasing pressure on Delhi to launch hostilities.
Can this conflict go nuclear ? Yes, it can....
Indians will try to keep it under the red line...

We know the intent of Modi.
We know his compulsions.
We know their capabilities.
We know their deployments.
We know their preparations.
We know their ideology.
We know their assets within Pak.
They know the vulnerabilities of Pak state.

This is a red flag raised!
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