1. My inboxes runneth over this morning with messages from teachers about being directed to work onsite at schools and being denied work-from-home accommodations as school districts gear up for partial re-opening on June 1. #bced /2
2. Over sixty and worried about the risks of working in a primary classroom? Too bad. You have to go back. Live with an elderly or immunocompromised relative? Suck it up buttercup, your school district HR department says you're coming back to class next week. #bced
3. If you're a teacher with Type 1 diabetes and other health issues and your doctor wrote you a note saying you should continue working from home, don't be surprised when your #bced HR dept says you have to get a form filled out by your doc and then they'll consider it, or not
4. If you have pre-school-aged kids and their daycare is still closed, you're still expected back in class if you're a teacher and they'll refer your child to a daycare they've never been to before #bced
5. If you're not a teacher and you've decided to have your child continue remote learning, beware some #bced districts are advising support for remote learning will be reduced in June.
6. If you're a teacher in your last trimester of pregnancy and have asked to be able to work remotely in June, don't get your hopes up. Hearing from some who've already been denied those requests. #bced
7. Teacher tells me a request to have hand sanitizer in classroom denied. A total of four hand sanitizing stations in a school of 600 kids (not that all of them will be there at once, but still...)
8. Teachers messaging me that doctors are advising them they've been given directives (by eight College of Physicians or Health Authorities) that only significant autoimmune conditions are eligible for accommodation letters. #bced
9. I'm wondering if more parents said they're sending their kids back June 1 that Ministry of Ed expected. Now districts need to ensure enough staff onsite. Would explain how hard they're pressuring teachers to return to school sites, instead of continuing with remote teaching
10. Excuse the vulgarity, but the word sh*tshow continues to come to mind as I hear from teachers, support workers, trustees and parents in the #bced system.
11. Some teachers telling me they're considering retiring earlier than planned instead of risking their health and that of their families, by going back to work in schools, where physical distancing may not be possible. Feeling like they're not valued by their employers. #bced
12. This pandemic has been stressful in so many ways. Seems like this decision to partially re-open schools on June 1 is adding to that, which is really unfortunate. #bced
13. It would have made a lot more sense to set up summer programs that could be offered on a referral basis (by teachers) to students who were not having success with remote learning. Teachers would have the option to apply for those jobs, and no one would be forced. #bced
14. Teachers know which students are at risk due to missing class, and those students could be offered placements in summer programs. Schools could set up large tent shelters (like the ones that won't be in use for weddings and special events this summer) for classrooms outdoors
15. To take advantage of natural ventilation. Students could get a chance to work on literacy, math and have some fun and socialization in group activities, and parents could get a break. #bced
16. I've been taking this pandemic very seriously and have what I believe is a healthy fear of the virus. I take precautions and follow the advice of the PHO. I haven't hugged my grown kids in months, and I really miss that. I'd hate to have to go teach in a school rn #bced
As for that daily "deep cleaning" that was promised for #bced schools? Not happening in many schools, at least according to those who've contacted me. Here's one: "We were also tasked with cleaning our own space as well. A bottle and cloth will be shared among the 30 staff."
17. Many #bced school districts were struggling with teacher and support worker shortages before COVID-19. I'm wondering if this will be the last straw for some who were considering leaving their professions, or retiring sooner than planned.
18. On a more positive note, I'm also hearing that a well-functioning staff committee + willing admin team can be effective in finding workable (to meet students' needs and accommodate teachers' situations) solutions. May work better is secondary than elem. Requires flexibility
19. I imagine teachers' union locals are working hard this weekend trying to sort out all these issues. #bced
20. Seems to vary from district to district in #bced. Is your district getting it right? Let me know. https://twitter.com/sbauhart/status/1264660756294889472?s=20
21. Teachers in Vancouver asking to continue to work remotely due to their age or having elderly fam member told this:

"Our ability to provide remote work has reduced significantly as a result of the number of students returning to class. ... /22
22. "The PHO and Premier have said that it is safe for students and staff to return to school. The Vancouver Coastal Health Authority has also confirmed safety with the following quote: ... /23
23. “There is no public health restriction on students or staff with medical conditions or age over 65 or who live with somebody who is elderly or has medical conditions from working in the school environment in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic." #bced
24. Not just PPE, many are supplying their own cleaning and sanitizing products. https://twitter.com/terribleterrier/status/1264666298677514242?s=20
25. I wonder if parents answered "yes" to whether or not they were sending kids back because that gives the option to change their mind, but saying "no" means that's it. I think many schools got more yes answers than expected. Will be interesting to see how many actually show up.
26. I'm hearing that teachers in @RichmondSD38 are having their accommodation requests approved while many in @VSB39 being denied. #bced
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