Apparently I wasn't loud enough last time. I have tried to address these issues with patience and kindness, but that needs to go both ways. And I am SICK and tired of it not being treated as such.

Just as you wish to not be persecuted for what you create, others wish to simply +
have a way to hide content that hurts them. Yes, art can hurt people. Just as a movie or video game needs to be rated and give appropriate warnings, independent creators must too. You are not exempt and your actions have consequences, whether you care or not.

Some survivors of +
abuse choose find healing through content that more or less mirrors what they've been through. Some can't stand the sight of anything related to that incident and it sends them into a spiral. Both of these are valid. Both need to be respected just as much as the next. +
When you refuse to tag content that people have told you time and time again is sensitive, most of which should be basic common sense, you are saying that you deliberately wish to give vulnerable people no chance of escape. That their pain is a joke to you. +
That they are somehow less than you and deserve being mocked for it. I'm here to tell you right now, they are in no way the lesser ones.

You are.

You, who hides behind a screen because you know that in the real world, this would never fly. +
You, who puts others down just to feel better about yourself. You, who puts the responsibility upon a traumatized person to just suck it up and move on when you feel that even a second to tag is a waste of your time. You think it's some sick, funny joke.

But no. +
You're the sick, funny joke. Your actions will catch up with you. Internet anonymity can only do so much for anyone. You're going to crash and burn. Hard. And one day, you'll be wishing for the same compassion that others asked from you.

Grow up. Tag your shit. Karma is coming.
I am not a big account and I have little to no reach or influence. I don't care. I'm not afraid of grown ass adults hiding behind a screen, acting like rebellious kids. Popularity, status? That means nothing and can be swept away in the blink of an eye. +
But do you want to know what stands strong amongst it all? Compassion. Kindness. Sincerity. Community. Communication. Respect.

It is really, really sad that as artists, we have drifted so far from these basic principles and given into toxic mainstream ideals. It needs to stop. +
I will tirelessly stand behind my friends, because I'm done being silent. Done being a coward afraid of little brats having a temper tantrum. You may see me as nobody. But our little community, the family I've found? We are everything to each other. And that's all that matters.
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