Work the problem, my friends
...masks, data about group meetings that don’t cause problems (perhaps a theatre where no one speaks much, or an outdoor choir rehearsal with spacing and masks), add in goggles or face shields to risky places like airports or buses or public transport.
Consider the public heath message and the psychology of those receiving it. Make a MAGA mask, a freedom mask, a Byedon mask, a goth mask...get the PPE to the front lines. Trace the sewage and get ahead of the hotspots. Move ventilators and staff to different areas of the country
Rapid testing to front lines and nursing homes. Segregate non-mask wearing and mask-wearing populations if there are businesses and people who will not protect themselves, let the chips fall at that point.
Let go of the notion of beliefs and right and wrong...figure out where we are, start from there, and work the problem.
I picked the middle stanza of that poem for it feels like we are up upon that wheel, stretched to break. We don’t have to. We can flex and move, and work the problem before us.
There is nothing that will happen, going forward, as the winds blow with this disease, that won’t break my heart in the end.
But my heart is a clinical instrument and built to break, and be reformed on the dawn.
As a doctor your heart breaks every day. But virtue and integrity and empathy are immortal, and along with the daily pleasures of family and blue skies and birds and wind and rain...there are many things to revive the broken heart.
Steinbeck said it better than I can. So did Shakespeare.
‘Time and the hour run through the roughest day.’
“All we can do is go around telling the truth” - Carson McCullers
While the lesson of this thread is virtue is immortal and vice always has a fresh new face, I think the moral of a lifetime is...
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