I have stated for a long time now that I don’t like how Snyder handled Superman in BVS, I don’t like that batman kills. So I still love these movies? Yes. Did I still buy all the statues, posters, toys, and merch? Yes. I’m excited for JL but I’ll always feel like it was rushed.
To the snyder fanbase. I’m stoked for you, but I’m allowed to disagree on stuff. I’m not gatekeeping. I’m just discussing subjective material. Please understand the difference. I don’t dislike any of you people. I just happen to disagree.
@SupesBatsy @thelivingtribu2 @Partizan_Niksic @i_bugu @ZodWriter so if you see me. Know, I don’t hate Zack snyder, you can find tweets where I absolutely defend him, but please respect that I will argue about some shit because I’m passionate about what I like.
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