yaar but on a serious note I wish my urdu was better, and I could speak punjabi confidently. wish i could indulge in the literature of my region despite its period of origin and understand it comprehensively. my identity exists in this disparaged state,, colonialism jai bhaar mai
i LOVE literature i love learning new things from the perspective of prose specifically and the fact that i rely on translations!!!! of the languages and stories and abundant myths my ancestry is DEFINED in!!!!! hurts me greatly
thinking of the irony of me being able to use very good english to convey this emotion magr urdu will not suffice. not bc urdu expression is lacking it's bc my knowledge of the TRUE language is infinitesimal
ok new plan im gonna make the effort to learn ACHI TARHAH SE urdu > punjabi > arabic > farsi
stated in order of priority
wish me luck x
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