1. I think about the plight of our civil service all the time, and exactly what it must be like working under Truth Twisters, I've worked under enough to know how damaging it is to have managers who place personal spin over anything and anyone.

#truthtwisters https://twitter.com/atatimelikethis/status/1237787395870818305
2. I think about the sort of civil service heroes, who create policy documents that anticipate solutions, not just for every event, but even for events where their political masters mess up.

Unless of course, advisers then rip up those preparations. https://twitter.com/atatimelikethis/status/1260721426287546370?s=20
3. I appreciate civil servants who risk careers to call out plans that would devastate an economy simply due to low brow political unthinking.

It is inconceivable that civil servants should need to do this, yet, well, it's Priti "AirportCheck" Patel https://twitter.com/atatimelikethis/status/1241784422011150336?s=20
4. I appreciate if you say your impossible lies didn't arrive due to "remainer traitors", that you need no experts (gove), then ask for experts (IDS) and then claim those same remainer traitors ARE the experts to solve your impossible trade dilemma... https://twitter.com/atatimelikethis/status/1237787392406433801?s=20
Then the bed that your utterly useless failure to do anything positive for the county made with the covers of vitriolic rhetoric, is your own.

And the undermining of yet another Great British strength for your own advantage, is what you sleep in. You bunch of evil sociopaths.
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