The reasons why you need a lawyer to review your contract is not only because the other party may be acting in bad faith. But for other reasons as well
1. Most lawyers will have you know that some contracts are actually terms of negotiation. To the uninitiated they are set. But lawyers know that usually, you contract can be negotiated and they know the most important areas to negotiate.
2.A lawyer would help you understand the negotiations that you are agreeing to under the contract. Runton was given a lambourghini and while signing the contract he didn't even know that he had to pay back the money for the vehicle nor did he understand the terms But he signed.
Flowing from the first point above. A contract can be fully ethical and in your favour and still not include items that are of great interest to you. Do you have a chronic illness that needs constant care? Do you have family abroad? Etc etc. Your lawyer helps customise your...
Contract to your specific needs.

This thread is required because this conversation has taken a turn and is seemingly implying that lawyers will countenance unethical conduct. No they won't.
But you have to bear the responsibility for negotiating for what you want.

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