The dirty secret of Trumpism is that it doesn’t actually champion working-class Americans or their values—it betrays them. It’s nothing but empty “tough guy” bravado & no results. There’s no there there.
The working class deserves a conservatism that does more than talk a brash game & own the libs. One that is serious & that actually delivers reforms that improve workers’ condition.

Instead, they get Sunday evening crazy rants on Twitter while they are all trying to stay afloat.
When did you last hear the GOP talk about a policy idea that wasn’t something asinine & unrealistic, like “build a wall & make Mexico pay!” or “let’s buy Greenland!” or “let’s stop all trade with China!”?

You probably can’t remember. My Party deserves to get beat like a drum.
That complete dishonesty—that utter disregard of reality & fact—doesn’t represent the working class. It disrespects them in the worst possible way because it’s fueled by the condescending view that working Americans can be fed a plate of nonsense & continue to eat it up.
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