Let’s talk about SUPPORT in relation to all of the convo around last night etc.
People only want to co-sign / support things while it’s already “lit” or happening or “on” people are so afraid to support what is climbing they rather say they were there from the beginning only if you make it.
When I heard Drake in 2004 I would tell anyone who would listen that he was dope and he was going to be the biggest thing in music , I was called a D*k ridder and bias etc.
I personally have never been afraid of supporting what was good from the climb. I don’t need anyone to tell me what is good or dope, I decide for myself and I act accordingly. Those same people who were upset that I was supporting drake are big fans of his now.
We have to learn to clap for people when they are trying to win. Not only applaud people when they are winning.
To those building things, focus on the small tribe that is buying into you or your things. If you wait for Jay-Z to support it, you might be waiting a long time. Focus on those who are loving it and the rest will follow when you build it! Why? People are more sheep than wolf.
As I build my brand with my tribe of followers I’ve noticed that people that I would expect to support are quiet , why? They want to see if an NBA player or rapper is going to pop up in it first. Which makes me more so not want that to happen.
I want the brand of ideas to be for the people who genuinely love and respect the mind that it’s coming from. I could easily send stuff out to my celebrity “friends” and hope for a look but I decided to build it organically and know who was on the climb.
People don’t really want to be original they want to copy everyone else and look like everyone else. Look around, the evidence is there. That’s why most stylist put their clients in the same 4 brands until it’s not hot anymore. That’s why hair styles all look the same.
People are afraid to stand out. That’s why everyone has face tattoos in rap now, why? Not having it makes you stand out. Just build for those that support you and the sheep will follow eventually , hopefully by then , you’re over them.
You can follow @marcustroy.
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