This is nyet acceptable. Why aЯe you spreading lie? Your last name must be iЯonic because you aЯe nyet decent person. You should go to gulag.
It is good we aЯe in quaЯantine oЯ I would thЯow cold (nyet hot, because I Яenounce all violence nyet done in the seЯvice of Яevolution and we aЯe nyet at that histoЯical stage) boЯsht on you.
Louise, I have found kompromat on you: You called Bush youЯ "peЯsonal heЯo" & said, "That President George W. Bush, my personal hero, & @BarackObama worked together to defend the republic from Trump and @PutinRF has been one of the most inspirational things I have ever learned."
Have you nyet seen beautiful things Bush has said & painted about VOЖД Putin? He had special nickname foЯ him: "Pootie Poot." He said "I looked the man in the eye. I found him very straightforward and trustworthy – I was able to get a sense of his soul."...
Louise, this video melts my heaЯt like way waЯm vaЯeniki melts in my mouth...
Bush made beautiful painting of Vlad as well. Last time I cЯied at such beauty was when I saw Pavel Filonov's 1936 PoЯtЯait of Stalin.
Which is tЯuth Louise? It can nyet be both ways. Was youЯ heЯo George Bush lying about Putin? OЯ aЯe you lying about Putin? OЯ aЯe you lying about Bush? Who is boss of you? In addition to above kompromat, i have more. This is nyet all.
I do nyet begЯudge women foЯ facelift. We live in state of capitalist contЯadiction and women have nyet yet thЯown off chains. You bЯavely admitted to cosmetic change. But was that nyet to hide youЯ identity?
Is this nyet you with with then husband Putin?
Is this nyet you getting special spy message fЯom Putin in nyet visble eaЯ piece?
Louise, please explain these photos?
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