Just got blocked for pointing out that many Huskies howl because they're not held right. They're super social, if you work long hours, don't get one unless someone can watch them/you have a second dog, otherwise they get stressed and sick.
I always wanted one but every single vet I spoke to told me that most people's lifestyle isn't suitable for Huskies. Not being selfish is no. 1 rule for having pets. Don't be that person.
Lol the shitshow in my mentions right now. Do people not realize that if their dog is howling the entire fucking day until all neighbors hate them, the animal is stressed? But sure, keep posting videos making fun of your "overly dramatic dog". The fuck?
Again, Huskies are bred to live in a pack. They need tasks and company all day long. Getting one and then working long hours, leaving it alone and then making fun of the poor thing by calling it "overly dramatic" online ain't it. That's animal neglect.
God I hate people sometimes.
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