Unprovoked. Don’t hit women unprovoked, infact don’t hit anyone unprovoked. At the end of the day if someone hits you then you have every right to defend yourself but keep it proportional and don’t over do it. https://twitter.com/mtmephamv4/status/1264456672820580352
I’m fed up of seeing girls get cocky and hit men for no reason and say “you can’t hit me back”. It’s unfair. Abuse is an extremely serious issue and it’s not just an issue for women - A lot of men are abused and feel as if they have to suffer in silence.
REMEMBER! Abuse takes multiple forms: physical, verbal, emotional, sexual... I get that a lot of stories are about women being abused and raped BUT please do not forget the men who are going through the same things. If you need help or know someone who needs help please dm me xx
Oh and last little part of the rant, there are certain types of people you should protect and others you shouldn’t. This goes for guys AND GIRL if you know you friend is: abusive, a rapist, racist, homophobic etc... drop them, expose them rat them out.
Protect people who are innocent by all means and at all costs but what we DONT do is protect people who cause harm to others. We can never have true equality until all of this is gone. The fight against homophobia isn’t over until the fight against racism is and so on...
Each issue is just as important as the others. So make sure when you preach about helping women who are abused make sure you mention the men going through the same thing. Anyone could face any of these issues so treat them with the same energy‼️
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