I think "stubborn" has such an unnecessarily negative connotation, especially as it relates to Taurus. I'm just not a flimsy paperback toya kind of nigga and never will be lol.
Taurus are some of the most rationsl and level headed people you'll ever meet. So this stubborn card people like to play is like a cop out almost to me.
See. A lot of people that I've interacted with that liked to play that "stubborn" mess lacked principle and/or integrity in some way or another. And that's like water and oil for me.
Hands down, a Taurus is the best friend you could have. If you're not having that experience with one, either we don't trust you or we just don't fuck with you.
And last thing I'ma say is, stubborn ain't SHIT in comparison to some of the shit that I encounter in the rest of y'all. Crazy, delusional, judgy, obnoxious, sneaky, underhanded, backhanded, no character, no integrity, etc. But y'all wanna be crying bout some damn stubborn.
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