Update on my situation:

So I talked to the disability supervisor and they said that my disability benefits appeal hearing is in August.

The thing is starting July I'll be on a lower benefit that won't even cover rent anywhere. So if I don't win the hearing. I'll be homeless. https://twitter.com/bibicosplays/status/1260577972479811586
As well I need to get the disability benefits before I can have surgery or really any extensive treatments. Cause without financial stability and really good medical coverage. I simply can't afford to take care of my health issues. Cause they're much worse than I thought.
The disability supervisor explained that the reason that I'm being denied for over a year now and being made to wait till August. Is because they're saying that if one of my health issues gets better, it should fix the other 13+ health issues. The thing is that's not TRUE.
Most of my health issues aren't curable or at least not very easily. If they were, I'd be better by now. Instead of getting worse. They are making up some fake science to prove that I "could* get better. Thankfully I should have enough proof soon.
They just want to use any excuse to deny disability benefots. And since my health issues are legitimately bad. They are making stuff up to use as an excuse to deny my disability claim.

I told them if I do not get it. I'll die within the year.
The disability supervisor was like what about family and friends? Why can't others care for you. And I was like well I don't have a family to care for me and my friends abandoned me. People see me as a burden and I paused so she get the hint that it includes her.
I told her that if I don't get the benefit, I can't get the medical care I need or financial stability to even maintain my health. That I would die. And that it would be their fault cause I'm doing everything and more so I can survive and get help.
I told them that I'd rather be independent than deal with the amount of abuse I've faced so far fighting to get disability benefits. I loved being able to work and do things. That it's cruel to not provide me any help especially during a PANDEMIC!!
It's frustrating how the government can acknowledge that my health situation is serious. Yet want to pass me off to be someone else's responsibility. Or their cruel tactic of trying to make me wait long enough that I either give up or die.
All I'm asking for is the bare minimum. The money would still be below poverty but at least I could survive. And the medical benefits could help me cover most of my medical needs which I'll need to stay alive.

And they're refusing and doing everything to avoid helping me.
No medical advice please.
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