Time for my hot take:

Breath of the Wild is a wonderful, beautiful video game that deserves all its accolades.. but it’s a terrible Zelda. I hate the direction they are taking Zelda. As a long time, die-hard fan, it sucks to stray from the traditional model that brought us here.
Changes I didn't like:

1) Emphasis on small shrines, less emphasis on large dungeons.
2) 4 dungeons in the game felt too similar, too short, no real challenge, no complex puzzles, weak on puzzle amount, and bosses were too similar and not creative or difficult.
3) Traditional Zelda models had you (linearly) travel to a location based on your spot in the story, locate evil, clear the surrounding areas to access something important (mini-boss, dungeon, puzzle, etc.), clear the activity, obtain a special weapon (especially in dungeons),
and then use that weapon to carry on and solve the rest of the puzzles in that area. That weapon would then be built upon throughout the rest of the game. BotW removes most of that, and I miss that...
4) Big, main bosses didn't seem all too challenging in their combat mechanics
5) Weapon system seemed short-handed almost. Being able to try enemy weapons was cool, I guess, but felt almost like a beta with no real upgrade depth.
6) With the free-roam design, enemy scaling always felt kinda strange to me and enemy AI was... off?
7) Ganon fight too easy.
Ultimately, one of the main reasons I played Zelda growing up was because of how unique and creative the mystery, puzzles, special items, and dungeon bosses felt. It was pure.. FUN. With an emphasis being stripped from almost all of these, I became a sad boy in some ways.
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