1. it has a huge amount of compelling, lovable characters that change in believable and satisfying ways.
2. it adds depth to the sequel trilogy era: you gain a better understanding of the first order’s impact on the galaxy, and the role of the resistance in fighting it. (also, it gives the destruction of the hosnian system in tfa a stronger emotional impact)
3. it has new and lovely variations of all the classic star wars themes: family, redemption, personal choice & hope
4. it’s super diverse! there’s not a single white lead, which is so refreshing. it’s the first piece of sw media that feels reflective of the galaxy’s vastness and variety.
3. speaking of diversity, there’s tons of well-rounded & unique female characters, and they actually get to interact and form relationships.
5. it has good villains! the main antagonists of resistance are menacing, understandable and way more interesting than most of the villains we get in rebels and tcw.
6. it’s fun to watch! the animation style is beautiful and it balances goofy, fun moments with heavier emotional ones perfectly.
7. it’s star wars!! all star wars is good star wars in my opinion, and i love any opportunity to dive back into such a fun and magical galaxy. it feels like coming home, and anyone who loves sw and hasn’t watched resistance is missing out.
that’s all! i hope you’ll all give resistance a chance. although it was cut short at only two seasons, it’s still a satisfying addition to canon and frankly my favorite thing from the sequel trilogy era.
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