I don’t presume to know Dawson’s sexuality, but I’m going to repeat my speculations here while going in a bit deeper in a thread. Prior to his infamous “consolation prize” article in Attitude magazine, he admitted in a previous article that he wanted to be “fucked like a woman”. https://twitter.com/lachlan_edi/status/1264535403496910848
Both articles are no longer available now on the Attitude UK website, but I remember that this “revelation” sent a wave of anger from lesbian feminist bloggers who saw his assertion as sexist nonsense, and rightly so, because it implied that sex “as a woman” required men and...
...penis-in-vagina sex. I myself originally thought these the musings of a sexist, self-loathing gay man, but then I thought about them and realized they didn’t make sense in terms of standard gay male sexual politics. Many gay men, like myself, have a disdain for the whole...
...”who is the ‘woman’ in the relationship” bit pushed on us by straight people. There are no “women” in the relationship, it involves two men. Also, most gay men do not get aroused at the idea of pretending to be women while having sex with men, even if they prefer the...
... receptive “bottom” role. Something was amiss. However, after reading about autogynephilia and consulting with other gay men online, I came to only one possible conclusion: wanting to have sex “as a woman” with men is a sexual fantasy of autogynephilic men.
Unfortunately, the public tends to confuse it with male homosexuality, especially for those gay men who prefer the receptive role in sex. The thing is, autogynephilic men are aroused at the idea of being female in sexual situations, and are rarely attracted to men’s bodies.
But even some autogynephilic men confuse their own sexual arousal patterns for male homosexuality. Blanchard observed this and mentioned it in some articles he published in the 1980s. Unfortunately, they’re behind paywalls, but his observations are cited in other articles.
Here is an example of a 19 year-old autogynephilic male claiming he confused his sexual arousal patterns with male homosexuality. He mentions it pretty early on in the video.
Dawson isn’t the only case I’ve seen of a man who identified as “gay” claiming he wasn’t and that he was really “trans”, where if you look deeper you see patterns of autogynephilic sexual behavior: obsession with women’s underwear, having female anatomy, wanting to have sex...
...as a woman, etc. I’ve seen a couple or more out there where the male in question believes he is gay, but his sexual behavior betrays autogynephilia. It’s more common than you think. What I’m trying to get at is that Dawson most likely cares very little for the history of...
...gay politics or for male homosexuality because he figured out eventually that he wasn’t a gay man to begin with. Yet, because he sexually experimented within gay male sex subcultures, he thinks he can have an opinion on gay politics, despite his current “trans” status.
Why doesn’t he admit he is autogynephilic? Because most non-homosexual trans “women” don’t admit they’re autogynephilic. It changes the narrative from a poor gender dysphoric “woman in a male body” to be pitied, to a man who just needs to get over his sexual fetish issues.
And this is true whether or not Blanchard or anyone believes autogynephilic transsexuals should be allowed to transition or not. Dawson probably has even convinced himself that autogynephilia isn’t even “a thing”, despite all evidence to the contrary.
Of course, regardless of his sexuality, he is still a sexist, misogynist, homophobic man who has very little actual regard for gay or feminist politics. That doesn’t change things. But I think we need to look at his claims of being “a gay man” who understands gay politics with...
...a bigger grain of salt. I don’t think he is what he claims to be, despite being allegedly involved within the gay male community. End thread.
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