I’ve read this a couple times now, and I want to throw my two cents in. While this “review” isn’t actually critical, it just shows the insecurities of the author. https://twitter.com/rosemulet/status/1264596224545419265
I’d like to address my own personal bias first: I am friends with members of this band, and I enjoy this song. This person invalidates every single point in the first sentence when they state “you do not deserve to have more monthly listeners than me.”
The author claims that “there is no charm in making lackluster music.” First songs are always choppy and not the peak musicianship of the respective bands.
The author says “people are actually choosing to listen to this over music that’s actually polished and at least attempts to sound professional.” Not everyone has the money to get a professional environment to record. High production value doesn’t equal good music
The “cultural problem” that the author touches on isn’t a problem. No form of art is “objectively good” since all art in any form is subjective. Clementine sounds more authentic in my mind due to it’s problems.
The author claims “people are so edgy now that they’re specifically seeking out objectively bad music...” which calls back to my previous tweet, that all art is subjective. Your final tweet doesn’t have anything to do with the song, so I won’t address it.
The past three years, I’ve been awarded second in the state of Colorado for critical review. While you attempt to tear down the band, you just contradict yourself in the replies. If you think the song is skippable, then it’s your opinion.
It’s their first song, it’s not going to be a masterpiece. This thread shows me that you’re not a musician, and you have no clue how songwriting works
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