Really anything done concerning you without you knowing is an invasion of privacy, but let's talk about some examples of how your privacy can be invaded—
—Someone going through your phone

—Someone going through your bag

—Someone stalking your social media behind your back since people can use social media as a diary/outlet of things in their life, social media can be a "safe space"

—Someone going through your diary/journals
—Someone looking at your phone while you're engaging with them

—Someone looking over your shoulder at your computer and whatever you have open

—Someone disclosing personal things you told them in confidence to people you do NOT associate with or feel comfortable with

Have you ever caught someone eavesdropping on your private conversations? Yikes.
Finances can be extremely private in nature, so pocketwatching falls under an invasion of privacy. It's nosy and irritating at minimum, but people will do this to control you, incite guilt trips and arguments squeeze money out of yo
u if they feel entitled to your money.
These are a few covert ways people will invade your privacy to get information.
There is an aggressive way to invade someone's privacy, usually done through intimidation and threats brought about through arguing, but interrogating you to destroy your boundaries. Emotional abuse.
When you find out your privacy has been invaded, it destroys the trust you have in that person. It can't be repaired.
Perhaps they never cared about an intimate relationship with you if they went to such lengths, crossing your boundaries when you would never do this to them.

It is betrayal.
People will naturally assume you're sneaky if you're private, but they're projecting that quality of their own onto you.

There's nothing wrong with being private, keeping some parts of your life separate from other parts.
What's not normal is invading someone's privacy. Nobody should have an insane amount of access to you anyway, but by doing this, they're not allowing you the chance to be transparent with them.

They will never deserve it.
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