Far too many are still in denial about the fact that this game of “choose your leader (but not really)” that electoral politics limits us to isn’t going to cut it, and are doubling down on failed approaches (because they have money behind them) instead of exploring new tactics...
Let’s make this clear:

You are not going to “vote” the “revolution” into existence at any level of governance, and any tactics applied within the world of electoral politics must be tied to a comprehensive program that deals with both labor and the land to be taken seriously.
The lack of economic programmatic development or drive we are seeing is going to not only leave many with less to talk about as the grim, “lesser-evilism” nature of electoral politics reasserts itself more intensely, but will reinforce and strengthen feelings of hopelessness too.
Our future lies in discussing creative, bottom-up solutions and direct action within our communities.

Not arguing over who our “saviors” should be in a top-down, authoritarian socioeconomic system that’s much larger than any one individual.
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