will be watching the two part season 3 finale/ s4 episode 1 in this thread, along with @DvoraMeyers! starting a new thread bc ive been told I will adore this saga... #taliawatchesTNG
incredible space hair: i predict she and riker are gonna boink. also creepy that her boss is like "just an old man's fantasies" 🤮
i wish i could play poker. also pictured: my gorgeous viewing companions @DvoraMeyers and Lizzie, chatting on Netflix Party
I've read enough 19th century novels to know that the only punishment for female hubris is death
oh no, an enemy you can't beat and the solution is 18 to 24 months away???? where have i heard this before
Commander Shelby kickin ass
so Shelby's smarter than Riker and also very pretty. shes def gonna die
Riker is overmatched
incredible that Picard and my dad have the same reading list
OH NO PiCaRd kidnapped Again!!!!!
tbf patrick stewart is a pretty good voice to choose to communicate with humanity
@DvoraMeyers has the best insights
"Those are the two enemies: white male mediocrity and the Borg." - @DvoraMeyers
OH SHIt!!!!!!!!!!!
"Locutus" lol someone took Latin
jk we took a snack break but we're watching the recap anyway
not a primary coolant failure!!!!
tbh i feel this every day 😣
grieving for picard 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
an immaculate red lip for a space promotion
whoopi's hat!!!!!!!
RIP all those Federation ships 😖 on the Tolstoy, all they did was scold each other about farming and virtue
"Scrambler Code Riker One" is just heavy breathing and sex sounds
Riker Beta maneuver? does he have any others?
what did they do to her bangs
multimodal reflector sorting!
shirtless picard resurrected
why is this surprisingly moving
oh damn!!!!
"even assimilated, picard is more alpha than riker" - @DvoraMeyers
smh shouldnta built your ship out of cube-compressed cars
Dang Shelby lived *and* didnt sleep with Riker AND got promoted! TNG surpassed my expectations
ok season 4 episode 2: a traumatized jean-luc is in a deep v-neck peasant blouse and going to france. and we're about to meet worf's parents!!
oh my god worf's parents are ADORABLE
how come everyone speaks in british accents in space france
picard's family has a gorgeous vineyard
riker and troi went on a trip to venezuela? dr crusher keeps her wedding veil in a suitcase on the ship???
i want worf's parents to be my parents
i just want a space/earth domestic drama tbh
worf is unable to suppress a little smile when he looks at his mom and dad 😢❤️
in the future, all men wear loose, drapey blouses with generous necklines
mud wrestling zaddy........
what a sweet, tender episode. i loved it.
The next episode was very silly. Data's evil twin's retractable thumbnail was cool and freaky tho.
in this episode, shit gets freudian as captain picard must mentor a terrible child actor named "jono."
you cant just ASK that troi
jono is *incredibly* annoying
shut up jono!!!!
the prime directive doesnt apply to transspecies adoption, apparently
oh no. picard has to teach the boy space tennis. at least my consolation is dat ass
phaser tennis!
jono stabbed picard! i hate this kid. picard you don't need a fake kid its ok you chose starfleet
I actually really enjoy the tech design on this show. It looks a bit quaint now - so blocky!! - but the screen display still looks cool and futuristic decades later.
A quantum bubble is driving Dr. Crusher insane?!
This episode is scary
S4, E5, "Remember Me," is basically a mini horror film 😱😱😱😱
gates mcfadden putting in a bravura performance here
worf is gone?!?!
me when i finish this show 😭
AHhHHhHHH this is so upsetting to watch particularly in quar!!!!!!
omg in an alternate timeline they were all looking for her 😭😭😭😭 my heart!!!!!!!
this is the moment i fell in love with dr beverly crusher
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!$$))) WHAT A WOMAN
That was my favorite episode of TNG thus far and it's not close. . @gates_mcfadden crushed it (pun intended). A bravura performance in a brilliantly conceived and better-acted little horror film.
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