People have been attacking me for calling out gay erasure & homophobia against Pete Buttigieg. These people are in denial it ever happened. They also identify as lesbians or bisexual women. Maybe erasure and homophobia doesn't hurt them as much as it does gay men? 🤷‍♂️

Ironically, they're also attacking me for stating the fact that lesbians & bisexual women have it easier than gay & bisexual men (which is true)... I mean, you're all literally proving my point by acting like it wasn't a big deal that Pete endured homophobia and gay erasure.

If homophobia and erasure harmed them as much as they claim it does, then they would completely understand the hurtful impact of seeing our nation's first major gay candidate for president experiencing it... but they don't, so I stand by my point... lesbians have it easier.

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