I found an article called "my 13 year old joined the alt right" from last year and it sounds like middle schools are hellscapes
>accuse a 13 year old of sexual harassment
>interrogate him for hours trying to get a confession out of him
>tell his parents you think he's probably gay
damn why do teenagers be looking for guidance from people who don't hate them???
His smile and optimism: Gone
remember this when Harvard writes about "homeschool bad!"
"It's googles fault!"
"A turning point"
oh boy the redemption arc
>American History X
yeah Ed Norton's character was constantly talking about uhhhh divorce rates and how the family courts fuck dads over
"I agree with my son's analysis but people I don't like taught him to say it so it's bad. He saw through my bullshit and continued to feel misunderstood"
the mom has grasped several truths
1. being normie isn't necessarily bad
2. reddit ruins everything
"ok mom if the feds come knocking pull the ring on this thermite charge and we'll spike the family PC"
what did my son mean by this???
They should have called this article "My son is an Irony Bro?" with "I don't know what catboys are" as a subtitle
alt right redditwaffen congratulates their mod on successful infiltration of Jewish summer camp with emoji fidget spinner
Explaining Kek to your jewish parents
This woman, although she doesn't understand it, watched an FBI agent tell news reporters what they want to hear
sam finds the Schizopoaster
[theme from Schindler's List gets louder]
rehabilitation from being an evil Redditwaffen SS trooper is watching the Office, according to jewish moms everywhere. Finally the healing process has begun
Sam was perilously close to being groomed into getting a bowlcut and quoting "black on white" "crime statistics" from the "FBI"
you ever laugh so hard you make that wheezing dog fart sound
Mom and Dad mocked me when they thought I couldn't hear them but thankfully I was rehabilitated by seeing a picture of Heather Heyer and watching the entire run of The Office
c'mon son lets go doxx some redditors
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