I emailed my MP. I advise you to, too. A massive, sustained outcry and demand for justice is the only thing we can do.
To those thinking "it won't make a difference", no, my one email won't. Ten emails won't. A hundred won't. A thousand might. Ten thousand will. It's demonstrating the sheer volume of people who are dissatisfied. It's about a huge group making themselves impossible to ignore.
I don't believe Sally Ann Hart will personally read my email any more than I believe I'll one day marry Domnhall Gleeson. But her staffers will. And if they have 10, 20, 30,000 emails from other constituents all saying the same thing, the message will start to trickle through.
The basic annual salary of an MP in the House of Commons is £81,932. They don't want to lose that income, or the privileges and prestige that goes with it. Which is why working en masse to protest, and make it clear your constituency has a problem, will have an impact.
If you use my template please consider buying my latest book. It's 83p for Kindle right now, and the virus has all-but guaranteed it will be lost x https://www.amazon.co.uk/Hold-Back-Tide-Melinda-Salisbury-ebook/dp/B084BQLK2V/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1583501089&sr=8-1
You can follow @MESalisbury.
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