Don’t let the Trump nonsense on vote by mail fool you.

The effort to suppress the vote will attack ALL forms of voting:

😡 purging: in Ohio, a huge purge of voters took place last year despite a sky-high error rate on the “to be purged” list (govt error, not voter)

😡 intimidation: with a consent decree recently expired, the GOP plans to “challenge” so-called “suspicious” voters at polls across the country

😡 vote by mail: look for a range of efforts to make it harder....changed deadlines, changed forms, complex processes

😡 jamming up in-person polling: in Ohio, already loose talk of “consolidating” polling locations and changing bipartisan laws that enacted built-in measures limiting the ratio of voters/machine

Why would you want more crowding of polls in a pandemic?

Hint: You wouldn’t
Bottom line: efforts by @staceyabrams @fairfightaction @DNC @marceelias and others to protect voting rights have never been more important.

And we need as many volunteers as possible to be poll observers to stop it all.
You can follow @DavidPepper.
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