
Honestly nobody:

Agamben: “Professors who agree — as they are doing en masse — to submit to the new dictatorship of telematics & to hold their courses only online are the perfect equivalent of the university teachers who in 1931 swore allegiance to the Fascist regime.”
Me adjusting the Agamben books on my shelf so the spines face the wall:
I mostly stopped reading Agamben after I started reading Weheliye et al. (black studies offers a beautifully comprehensive rebuttal to his theses) so the love’s been long lost but my god what is WRONG with this man? Is he attempting an 11th hour expulsion from the canon lol
Agamben is your conspiratorial pop pop ranting about 5G + Chinese bioengineering except he’s Italian and a philosopher so suddenly we’re supposed to listen to it instead of unplugging his computer
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