alright fam hit me with em
1) I think I heard of Naruto from either a friend at school, or i just happened to catch it when it was on TV. I was about 7 years old at the time, though for a long time I was only really a Naruto fan. I only got into anime in earnest about 10 years later (mid 2017)
2) Lotta good options, but ultimately it has to be Rei and Hina from 3-gatsu. How much they both mean for each other and the way they make each other stronger during hard times is an absolute joy to watch. It's melted my heart multiple times and has me wishing they stick together
3) Anything with good character writing and good drama.
4) I can't just pick one. Rukia and Urahara are up there, for sentimental reasons of Bleach being the show that got me back into aninime in 2017, but other than them, Misaki from NHK, Hina from 3-gatsu, and Ougi from Monogatari.
5) I dont really think there is such a thing as a guilty pleasure. I never feel guilty from liking a series. If I think something is bad, I don't like it. But if we're going by the metric of "liking a show that most people don't really care for" then I'd probably say Re:Creators.
6) Favourite movie right now I think still has to be Maquia, an unpopular opinion I know, but Kon's Perfect Blue and Tokyo Godfathers are still really close up there, and I still can't decide which of them I like more.

Favourite OVA is of course LOTGH. Was there ever any doubt?
7) Going down my list of favourite characters on MAL, there are a few antagonists on there in prominent spots, like L, Askeladd, and Kaiki, but the first true VILLAIN is the one, the only, Enrico Pucci. Not quite an "anime" villain yet, but we'll get there.
8) My favourite arc in anime is probably the bully arc in 3gatsu, but I've already sung the praises of that anime quite a bit so far in this thread, so two great honourable mentions are the Shiratorizawa match in Haikyuu, and the Soul Society arc of Bleach.
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