Positive Twitter story to share today. A few weeks ago @YahooSports had a twitter thread asking about people’s favorite sports memorabilia. We listed our 1996 @RebeccaLobo team USA jersey. Have had that jersey for 24 years and still love it.
We also mentioned in our tweet that we hoped to get it signed one day. To our surprise, Rebecca responded to the tweet with a simple “I’ll do it”. Rebecca is a basketball legend and, as former basketball players ourselves, just the thought of being on her radar was exciting.
So we packed up the jersey & shipped it off. Then fear set in. What if it gets lost in the mail? What if it gets damaged? Rebecca probably gets more mail than she wants or needs-what if it gets mixed up w/ other mail? WHAT IF WE NEVER SEE OUR BELOVED ‘96 TEAM USA JERSEY AGAIN? 😭
Over a week goes by. “Stay calm. She’s got this. It’s just a jersey.”
We run a steady stream of positive self-reminders to focus on what’s important. Then, yesterday...
Open the mailbox to find a familiar looking package. It’s the self-addressed package we included with the jersey. We drop the rest of the mail and careful peel open the package. Our beloved jersey is home. With an upgrade.
She did it.
Thank you to @twitter for helping to enable an oppt like this. And more importantly, thank you @RebeccaLobo ! This is a treasure. You have made our team incredibly happy with your kind gesture. Sports matter. Whether on the court or off, you prove this time & time again.
You can follow @After_The_Game_.
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