— reading No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai screaming thread
— excerpts and quotes that i like
— thank you pris for the pdf 10/10 would by the physical version later
excerpts of translator's notes (Donald Keene), about western - asian culture and “aesthetics”
!!! Japanese are SO good w words!! Idk how to cohesively explain this, but maybe try read “Please Enjoy Your Happiness” by Paul Brinkley-Rogers. Maybe then you‘d understand a bit. OR try look up to Japanese songs lyrics translation. ;-;
i think i wont post too many screenshots but i'll scream about it here. [havent finished yet, but i need to scream.] idk, insane. it really makes me feel... empty. it is somehow relatable, at least to me. and probably to so many people who left reviews of this book+
+they said they feel "empty" after they finished this book. the way Dazai explained how empty it is after he discovered the true intention behind everything that ever exists in this world, he lost his interests in it. it's really sad... i think the closest example to this is+
+our perspective of the world when we were just a kid. i remember thinking that train-rides are exclusive, special, i'd only use trains on special occasions. but throughout the time, i use trains bc i *have* to, that it's NOT special; trains were made for people to transport+
+one place to another, not for people to experience luxury or stuffs. and yes, when i found out about it, i slowly lost interest in trains. nowadays i go with trains bc i have to, not bc i want to.
i am a cat!!!
i think it's really cool how the person that Dazai's described in this book reminds me of bsd's dazai.. never truly find the meaning of life, they're simply going on with the flow
welcome back to everyone who actually keep up w this thread, im currently on page 70.
idk why in this Dazai always describe women "complicated", unpredictable, "inept at telling stories." and "i have nver been able to get interested when women talk about themselves."
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