Why a lot of modern games are trash and how to fix them:
Too many games are being released that I just can not stand. They have mediocre gameplay because they push cosmetics as the game's main feature. Fortnite, for example, would be good if they put more thought into the gameplay than the cosmetics.
Elder scrolls: Blades came out recently. I don't like it for a couple reasons, but one of them is the addition of lootboxes. It wasn't necessary at all, nor asked for. I feel the same about the addition of emotes.
How to fix it:
1. Be more selective on the emotes. Don't just include the latest tiktok or meme dances. Keep them interesting, but also not just cash grabs.
2. Lootboxes are ok under CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES. Pushing them as a main, important feature is a bad idea. Make them a side feature, with not the best gear, but also fairly good. Do not push them as Meta.
3. Cosmetic Purchases:
Just don't push this as the main feature of your game. That's just sad. And don't make them like 5 dollars each.
Thanks for reading my rant. I had anger and I really hope more games don't go this direction.
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