1. I think there is a real issue with the memeification of politics on the left. A lot of folks (not everyone of course) got into leftist policies as a result of the Sanders campaign, which is very awesome and well needed, but we're attracted with sound bites, memes and witty
2. social media posts. What this does is allows folks to form their political beliefs around literal bites of information, as opposed to through a more detail and nuanced policy oriented lens. Like, there is so much misinformation out there, from folks claiming that Obama
3. deported more undocumented people than Bush (false,
it was roughly the same which was still inexcusable, but the metrics in regards to what counted as a deportation which changed under the Obama administration) to "Obama purposely didn't make the ACA affordable when he had
4. the house and congress" (Why would you even think blue dogs and Joe Liberman would go along with some of the more liberal proposals, and why is there no blame places on states for refusing to expand medicare) etc. Like, it's easy to point out all of the shitty things that
5. happen under neoliberalism, and by all means, WE SHOULD, but the false equivalency that some of this very problematic shit is no different from Trump engaging in literal ethnic cleansing or a literal ban on Muslims or Trump refusing to give aid to pureto Rico after a hurricane
6. or ignoring a literal pandemic is just ass backwards. Politics is complicated folks, and if your entire political view is based off of a bunch of 2 minute YouTube clips and passive aggressive tweets toward democrats, then you really aren't getting the big picture.
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