People have every right to not think Christianity is redeemable. There is very valid reasons for people to believe this. White Christians we gotta stop hiding behind the backs of liberation theologians.
Christianity was hijacked by empire early on and this has lead to unspeakable amounts of evil being committed under the sign of the cross.
Yes there are wonderful BIPOC theologians. Yes there are amazing LGBTQ & Feminist theologians. However let’s not fool ourselves into thinking that these groups have ever been the majority voices within Christianity.
Yes there have been historic Christian communities in Ethiopia , Syria , Egypt and India. But let’s not act like that erases or absolves Christianity of its absolutely evil colonialist projects.
Yes Jesus was a Jewish man. Yes the first Christians had Jewish roots. But lets not act like we haven’t been absolutely active in anti -Semitic violence. And if not active absolutely silent in the face of it.
Given all these sins that we either refuse to admit or attempt to justify is it any surprise people leave.
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