1)The N95 mask. It’s used for: “sanding,grinding,sawing & insulating particles”; in other words, construction work. 👇 Cont.
2)Says right on the box:”cannot eliminate the risk of contracting infection, illness or disease.” Also states:”Failure to follow all instructions & limitations on the use of this respirator...can reduce respirator effectiveness & may result in sickness or death.” 👇 Cont.
3)In a study in Singapore,” the lay public may have difficulty wearing N95 respirators properly....of participants given N95 respirators with an instruction sheet & then asked to put one on,”only about 13% passed the visual mask fit test.” Cont.
4)Therefore,”N95 mask use by the general public may not translate into effective protection but instead provide false reassurance.”-medpagetoday.com.5/20/20.
5)Conclusion: I don’t know about y’all but if the box says death is a possibility from wearing this mask, it doesn’t take much in the logical reasoning department, to be convinced, not to wear this mask, for other than its intended purpose. / Done
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