9-11 was their Pearl Harbor.
100% orchestrated. Black CIA-MOSSAD OP. GHWB in charge.

In 1910 YOU were sold into debt slavery by a group of corrupt politicians to a banking cabal.

Your Debt Slavery ended about a month ago.

Everything you see is scripted. Hollywood and
The MSM is the Propaganda and Programming arm of the Deep State.

Your children are turned into obedient little worker drones in your public schools.

2/3 of the D.C. Elite are Puppets of the Deep State.

The War on Drugs was actually a war on American Citizens. Its goal was to
Destroy the United States from within.

Your air and food is poisoned.

Your soul purpose is to serve as a Profit Center to the Deep State from cradle to grave.

Cures have been surpressed for decades.

Free Energy technologies have been surpressed for millenia.

In 2014 there
Would have been a military led Coup De Etat that would have left thousands dead and this Country polarized.

Thank GOD DJT said yes.

Its time to stand up.

The Great Awakening is Upon US.
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