Random thought as I started to wake up:

Did I ever fuckin tell y'all that my husband's ex who tried to break us up months before he proposed showed up at our wedding?
Alright picture it: Feb 2016, dating about 8 months? Our relationship had hit the "rocky" point that tends to come after the "honeymoon" phase, nothing insane but we both needed to grow a bit. Kollin gave me a promise ring as a promise that we were gonna work through things--
Together. It was us against whatever issues we were facing. A promise that we're a team! Not necessarily the usual "this is my promise to marry you" thing (tho he did imply that LOL) it was a sweet gesture and it meant a lot. Nice twist on the promise ring thing
So fast forward about two weeks later? His ex texts him, mind you, her relationship with her NOW HUSBAND, had gone down the shitter, they had spoken a bit before and he was sorry to hear it. Dude admittedly did her dirty but that ain't my shit to share.
She admits to u following his posts on FB because she was tired of all my mushy posts I tagged him in (Y'ALL WHAT CAN I SAY? I WAS A LOVESICK GAL AND I STILL FUCKIN AM FOR THIS DOOFUS) Her mom had mentioned it in passing about the ring (side note, I LOVE HER MOM SHE IS AMAZING)
She then proceeds to text Kollin, casual convo at first nothing unusual! And then here's where it takes the damn turn
She starts questioning him about the ring, he doesn't tell her exactly what the promise ring meant because not her business, she starts asking him if he's really sure he wants to marry me one day and if he's sure promising me that is what he wants
Mind y'all, October the year prior he went into the hospital for days, I never left his side, he told me that's when he knew he wanted to marry me (I'll tell ya something cool....a year and one day later from when he went to the ER? We were getting married!)
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