I’m going to tweet something that many of you have not come to realize yet but it is becoming all too clear.
Democrats will stop at nothing to achieve what they want. Even if it means permanent damage to the United States. And what they want is the total elimination 1/7
of the Constitution, the rule of law, Conservatism, and Republicans.
Democrats have been working on this project for years right under our collective consciouses.
While we were saying ‘we are all Americans’, ‘we are all in this together’, Democrats were laying the 2/7
foundations for fundamental change of our country. Democrats took over media, entertainment, Corporate business, science, government, law enforcement, the military, education, technology, every aspect of our society while Republicans were completely oblivious 3/7
to the total undermining of the United States systems and traditions.
Look around. It this the United States you grew up in? What? Do you think it’s because of progress that we have been driven so far away from our traditions and values as Americans? Only to be told 4/7
that some (and I hate this term) “new normal” values are our values. No what we are now experiencing is an overthrow. Not only of the presidency. This is an attempted overthrow of the entire system of governing in the United States of America. This is an attempted 5/7
overthrow of our Constitution and of our rule of law. This is an overthrow of the way we vote, an overthrow of what we accept as legitimate power and authority.
Democrats no longer feel they have to hide their intended purpose to Fundamentally Transform the United States. 6/7
This is what is happening right before your eyes.
There is no more pretense that we are all in this together or that we are one nation under God indivisible. There is no unity, there is no justice for all. Democrats have seen to it that there isn’t any in this new normal! 7/7
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