fuck neurotypicals.

neurodivergents have been systematically marginalized by a neuronormative system that condones oppression of anyone who does not fit into a narrow range of acceptable brain function.

we’re allowed to be angry at it. that does not make us “reverse ableist.”
obligatory edit: obviously Not All Neurotypicals™️. we shouldn’t have to specify this. members of an oppressed identity group are allowed to resent the privileged group- and nine times out of ten we are doing this ironically.
i don’t actually believe in the statement “fuck neurotypicals.” but i do say: fuck the system of neuronormativity, fuck expectations of respectability, fuck civility politics.

we are allowed to be angry. we are allowed to be blunt. tone-policing is inherently ableist.
I’m going to repeat this before I get canceled: this is not about individual NTs. they do make up 99% of the world and obviously not all of them are complicit in the marginalization of autistics/NDs.

i thought it was the autistics that misunderstood irony/rhetorical statements.
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