It takes time for me to really sink into an album. I've spent time with #AD2 and I have so many thoughts. I'll try and organise them I to coherent sentences later. But, for me, it's a masterpiece. @BTS_twt
It's a whole damn package. It's everything I wanted and more. It's a calling card for his talent, and why this isn't on every playlist - esp the hip hop ones I will never understand. Even my non BTS partner hasn't grumbled about listening to it all day ;p
As raw, honest, fragile and bittersweet as I'd expect from Yoongi, with added layers as he reflects back to his younger years and self. Lyrically, rapping, vocally ( OMG Yoongi sing more!!), production/arrangement/mixing he has grown SO MUCH. It only comes from hard work.
The whiplash that always falls aa you smile along and vibe out to a track and then deep dive into the lyric translations. (Shout out to the black hair undercut ...DAYUM)
The cool vibes of Moonlight. The delicacy of People. The absolute fire and swagger that is Daechwita and What do you Think. The deceptively simple Set me Free followed by the beautiful desperation of Dear, My Friend has me in tears, the anguish rips into me.
Thank you Yoongi for the hours of work in Genius Lab, for everytime you opened your lap top and set up the mic. I'm so proud of you and I hope you are too.
Min PD you did it again!!!

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