What keeps you coming back to 5th Edition?

That's a question that I've been asking myself a bit lately, as I feel that in order to get myself to ween off of that being my "Default" system I need to know why I keep coming back to it.

This thread is basically me working that out.
Feel free to jump in with your insights.

Looking at everything honestly without all the baggage I think what makes 5th Ed my default are two core things:

Language and Resources.

Just about everyone knows what advantage is, we all get what initiative is so on and so forth
Because there are just SO many forums where 5th Edition is in use speaking the language of the system is just the first thing that comes to mind when speaking "Gaming"

That being the case learning the language of a new system can be a turn off to some people which sucks...
The second thing that I think keeps me from having a new system as my default is that I'm a lazy ass hole and there are just SO many resources available for 5th ed that puts creation with that system on easy mode.

DnDbeyond is a solid resource it really is...
That and when I mention resources I'm also talking about the resources you've already invested in - to my ever lasting shame I think I've bought the Players Handbook three times in three different formats (Hard Book, Roll 20, DnDBeyond)

Walking away from that is HARD!
Anyway this is just some ramblings in trying to figure this shit out haha.
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