The argument for reopening is economic. The argument for staying inside is health/epidemiological. The economy was made up by humans. The virus will spread and kill regardless. Seems to me we should be seriously trying to think outside the box economically, because
That’s the only part of the equation we really have control over. We need to find a way to make the economy (a human invention and set of human processes) serve our needs to be physically distant. I don’t have the answer, but I’m afraid of the virus. Why? Because there are
potential long term consequences to letting a virus multiply, even if it has a low fatality rate among a given age cohort. 1) it can mutate and become more fatal 2) existing very rare mutations can start cropping up statistically when millions of people play host to it 3) even
a small percentage of deaths is a huge number. If 1% is so small, then people should be willing to spend 1% of their lives (roughly 6 waking months for a 36-year-old) wearing a mask and staying home.
There are moral concerns. Part of the social contract is that we’re all in this together and we all have worth. If you are willing to sacrifice someone with a compromised immune system for “the good of all,” you go first. If you won’t, don’t ask others.
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