people are saying "stop taking game developers for GRANTED they're in QUARANTINE do you think they're quickly updating animal crossing rn!!!" at ppl upset and it's like uh yeah they did just REMOVE TWO ISLANDS from the game and nerf A WHOLE BUNCH OF BUGS to make it less fun
no of course no one's expecting fully rendered hairstyles right now or for every lost feature to return at once but to act like n*ntendo is some poor starving indie company is like...we have this thread every week comrade. they're still active enough to ruin the game economy
i love animal crossing, i always have, i still do like new horizons a lot but it's an unfinished and barebones game and we are not Hatebombing Poor Indie Companies for being critical of the lack of content and n*ntendo's obsession w/ ruining The Child's Game Money Making Options
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